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Arcadian 2024

Nick Cage kicking ugly CGI wannabe A Quiet Place alien ass never gets old but I wish we saw a lot more of that. A real shame Cage is barely in the movie but that's not the biggest problem here.

I found it quite creepy when we first see the monsters in the cave but they lose their charm real quick when you see the full body reveal. Not very frightening, how could humanity lose to these loser aliens?? The mouth and spinning wheel thing was pretty funny though, added a tonally inconsistent campy feel to it. A unique creature design that's for sure.

Anytime they make an appearance and the movie builds a bit of suspence, the scene is rushed, ended, and then we're back to the boring character stuff. Nothing productive or satisfying with the character interactions either. Dumb and frustrating decision making, some logic problems and overall just boring when there's no monster on-screen. Annoying shaky camera and I wish we actually saw what was happening during the action.

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Ignore the negative reviews, Arcadian is a really good sci-fi horror thriller - it’s tense, well written. Cage is great, as usual. The story isn’t complicated, as all films should be - a battle against evil, a fight to survive against the odds, a fathers sacrificial love for his sons, boy meets girl - just good, honest, story telling.

Also, it’s encouraging to see a lack of shoe-horned woke inclusivity, why? Because every film doesn’t need a token diverse cast for the sake of it. People deep down care about the fundamentals in life, love / hate / passion / sacrifice / revenge / jealousy / good vs evil - and Arcadian manages to touch on some of these core values that make great stories.

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You can skip this shit

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Basically a Nicholas Cage remake of 'A Quiet Place' but with darkness instead of noise and dumbed down for teens.

The most interesting thing about this movie is they stopped my first showing 2/3s of the way in because of a tornado warning in my town. We had to sit in the the hallway and by the time the warning was lifted it was too late to continue the film, so they gave me a voucher I had to use the day after.

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a solid Nick Cage film with very little forced DEI/LGBTQ/BLM content.

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One of the stupidest movies I've seen in my life

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It's basically a low budget version of the "A Quiet Place". And most of the issues of the movie is in that low budget. They trying to hide bad cgi and action, so all action happens in the dark, with shaky camera and quick close cuts. The story itself has potential, but they lost it in some stupid plot twists and going nowhere ending, poor written scenario probably.
Oh, and one of the sons looks exactly like Harry Potter, it's amazing.

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It's a quiet place meets Resident Evil... And it fails at both.

  • Failed setup for son A being "smart"
  • Failed setup for son B being "the brawn"
  • Failed emotional connection, we go baby to teens...
  • Dogshit CG
  • What the hell was that mouth thing
  • What the fuck are animals doing a wheelbarrel attack for... WHILE ON FIRE
  • In no realistic universe would a family take in a a healthy son over a dying father if they got the means to support both
  • Both sons acting was bad... There's a reason they are B list actors
  • We are supposed to be invested in a romance that has less than 120 seconds of screen time
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I like the cast, the story is nothing new but even for a low budget have seen better CGI (terrible creature design) and without a doubt, the worst part is the camera work way to shake.

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The beginning was acceptable, but the narrative becomes increasingly illogical and absurd in the second half, escalating to extreme ridiculousness and senselessness towards the end. Nicolas Cage's acting was as solid as ever; however, as is typical with his films, it was also confusing and peculiar. I am not sure what inspired the writers, but they certainly were not thinking clearly when they wrote this script.

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This was complete and utter garbage!

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This is a movie you need to switch off your brain when watching. Nothing special about the storyline or the acting. Otherwise, you will enjoy the movie.

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what was the back story? my gosh hold the camera still talk about nausea!!

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The dog! C'mon, just take the dog!

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Slow start, but with a solid ending. Nicolas Cage even though he hardly acts in the movie had a great performance.

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Arcadian - :heart:x6

Don't expect to see some kind of wild & crazy Nic Cage action movie. This is much more of an apocolyptic teenage love story. And yet it is a satisfying story.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Everyone's a critic now? What would you seriously expect when sitting down to watch this? lol I had no expectations and really enjoyed it. The creature design was very original and the movie itself was pretty good I thought. It's a Nic Cage monster movie, not Avatar! ;)

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It is an enjoyable movie even though it is just a repetitive story, action was nice, acting was good, his older son just pisses me off most of the movie.

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